Fall Course Opportunity for Graduate Students
SCTS T580 - Informing Policy with Science: An Evidence-Based Approach
August 9, 2023
Informing Policy with Science: An Evidence-Based Approach (SCTS T580) is a new course that will be offered in the Fall Quarter to all graduate researchers interested in doing work in STEM and public policy. SCTS T580 will examine social science research on why science is—and isn’t—taken up in public policy. Based on these findings, students will generate a list of Dos and Don’ts for experts who want to influence policy, and will identify concrete steps they can take to increase the impact of their expertise.
SCTS T580 will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-5:20 PM and will be taught by Gwen Ottinger, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Politics in the College of Arts and Sciences.
To register, go to your DrexelOne portal, select Fall Term 2023 for course registration, and search SCTS T580 (CRN 15510).
Course Flyer & Description